A review by jonetta
Love Me Again by Jaci Burton


Loretta Simmons returns home to Hope, Oklahoma after her marriage collapses from a slow but miserable death. She's determined to be independent, essentially raising her 9-year old daughter, Hazel, like a single parent. Things are awkward when the man she callously dumped for the man she married is renovating the building where her bookstore is housed. Deacon Fox keeps his distance but eventually life puts them on the same path.

The biggest conflict in this story is how Deacon and Loretta will resolve what happened between them as teens and that gets dealt with pretty early on. What remains is the slow building new relationship between the two of them, connected through Hazel who dazzles Deacon and he her. Add to the mix a new dog named Otis, a Great Dane who needs training, and you've got a delightful story. I also liked the narrator who interpreted the vibe of the town and these characters pretty well and added the requisite distinctions.

One of the things I love about this series is how the past characters are all connected. The new characters are introduced to the circle and the friendships that develop are heartwarming. Hope is a place I like to come visit to uplift my spirit and feel better about my community. These are good, hard working people who aren't wealthy (well, one of them is) and experience the normal issues associated with work, family and friends. I like them, like visiting with them and I really liked Loretta and Deacon. I thought he let her off the hook too easily but it was true to his character. There are a few new characters introduced here so I'm looking forward to more stories and returning to this town. 3.5 stars

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)