A review by la_vampiresa
Jingle My Balls by Addy Rae, Addy Rae, Alisha Williams, A.J. Mullican


The Yule Log by Maggie Bonnet


Ahhh....This screams Hallmark, with a little bit of smut thrown in. This was a very fast paced, sickly, "d3ath by chocolate,sweet, with a hint of rom com mixed in this short novella. I do wish there was more of a slower build up, but I do understand that these anthologies have a certain word limit. Otto and Mick were so cute, you couldn't help but root for them!!

Love on The Ice by Bre Rose


I AM HOOKED! This was such a fabulous intro to this new book coming out. Small things like the mentioning that Chase and Blake were bi, were getting a little repetitious, but the characters are likable and whew, it was hot...can't wait for more!

***Will edit once I read the rest!***