A review by kateraed
Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace by David Lipsky


Feels like a conversation with a friend.

The only frustration is Lipsky projecting himself into DFW's intentions. More than once he does [little parenthetical interpretations] that made me think: that's what that sentence would mean if YOU said it, not necessarily what DFW meant. Lipsky isn't great at differentiating the two.

And, he has DFW on such a pedestal, which shows up in weird little ways, like thinking he himself is slipping into a midwest accent because DFW has a strong personality, when really that's a very human thing to do when traveling and surrounded by an accent, regardless of the "strength" of the person you're with.

Still, totally worth it for DFW's words, which really are the bulk of the book -- Lipsky's low EQ is easily pass-over-able.