A review by theinquisitxor
The Gathering Storm by Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan


THIS BOOK, this book, y'all, is the best thing I've read in long time.
Here is the breakdown of my opinion of the Wheel of Time books so far (the ones written by Robert Jordan):

Books 1-3: Pretty good and enjoyable. Primarily the set up for the rest of the series, and breaking away from some of the traditional fantasy tropes of the first book. Great worldbuilding and introduction of the main characters and some of the plots that are present throughout the entire series.

Books 4-6: The best of what Jordan wrote (in my opinion). A lot happens in these books, and the characters grow so much. Further worldbuilding and general amazinginess.

Books 7-8: I don't really remember what happened in these two books. I only remember vaguely, but they were fine. They weren't the best or the worst.

Books 9-11: The slowest and most difficult to get through. With the exception of book 9 (for me) these books tended to be quite long and somewhat boring. Some plotlines definitely could have been shortened. I can see why people refer to this as the 'slog', and while I can see that, these books were still generally good, just not on the same level as some of the previous books.

And now I just finished listening to book 12, and I really enjoyed how Sanderson picked up where Jordan left off and continued the process. I didn't feel a large shift in style, unlike some people, and I am glad the Sanderson pushed things along more and got the plots moving again. This is undoubtedly my favorite of the series so far, and that is saying something, because I really liked books 4-6.

I really can't find fault in this book. It took a main character who was one of my least favorites and made her a favorite again. This book was emotional, it was epic and I absolutely can't way to start listening to Towers of Midnight.