A review by foxclouds
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, Vol. 3: Ten Days of Perfect Tunes by E.K. Weaver


Overall series rating: 4.5 stars

Slight spoilers ahead for the ending.

I loved the series. I loved the artwork, I loved the story. It got a bit graphic in volumes 2 & 3. Definitely suitable only for mature audience.

In volume 3 we learn what TJ has been hiding all this time. We see how the relationship develops between the two. It is funny and touching and quite real.

When I got to the last page, I was so confused and thought that I had missed something, so I kept flipping back and forth. But nope. That was it. An opening ending. I was ready to howl and rip my hear out and demand a happy ending. I mean, I *get* it, but I wanted something different. When I went to the author's website, I found that there is an epilogue volume! It contains 3 different endings (THREE! Well, one of them I am going to ignore for sure). This volume is not available at my library or Amazon, but if you go to http://tjandamal.com/ you will find it there, as well as an omnibus edition.

I think I know what I will be getting for myself in the near future.