A review by segza
Comment Comprendre Israël En 60 Jours, Ou Moins by Sarah Glidden


This was a great companion read to [b: Mornings in Jenin|6692041|Mornings in Jenin|Susan Abulhawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312020216s/6692041.jpg|311976]. It gave me an Israeli perspective on the uber complicated and chaotic Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Given that I knew very little about the conflict before I started to really read and think about it this month, getting to see how populations on both sides of the conflict justify and communicate their rationale for the actions taken was valuable. This particular graphic-memoir is told by an American Jew who travels to Israel on the Birth-right trip which is an all-expense paid trip for Jews throughout the world to get a few weeks to visit Israel. Sarah Glidden travels to Israel with more than a little skepticism about the Zionists occupation of Israel and the justification of the expulsion of the native Palestinians & Bedouins. It is an interesting view of how conflicted she is as a Jew in Israel and gives a glimpse into the rationale used to propagate the fighting. Worth reading to get a balanced perspective and enable a reader to come to their own conclusions (or in my case, find myself even less able to take a firm stance. "Supporting peace" does not seem like a particularly productive statement once you understand all the complexities a bit better. There needs to more concrete suggestions about how to achieve that peace but those suggestions are illusive.