A review by shelbyday
Roseblood by A.G. Howard


3.5 - I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but I was pleasantly surprised. There was a whole lot that could have gone horribly wrong in this take-off of the Phantom of the Opera, but the author pulled it off. The teen characters attitudes and actions were believable even though the setting of a high class, musical boarding school was a bit out there. Howard was able to infuse just enough reality with the fantasy elements to make me keep turning the page. I kept wondering what the heck was going to happen next! There was some paranormal elements that I didn't see coming, but after I got used to the idea, it made sense and added to the overall darkness, mystery, and intrigue of the novel. It was a bit Phantom, a bit Dr. Moreau, a bit Anne Rice all rolled into one well put-together piece. A great choice for high school libraries. I think it will resonate with students who are fans of new twists to old classics.