A review by lelemontgomery
Emma und das vergessene Buch by Mechthild Gläser


Okay, so I´m currently re-reading this book because it´s such a good story I just don´t want to miss.
It´s a fantasy book and the story is so good that I don´t have the right words for it.

I went to my local library where I have friend, and she recommended me this book because it was new to the library and I´m a fast reader. She told me that the book is new in teen romance books and I should read it and give her a review, if this book is something teens would like to read. I did read the book and after a few pages I just couldn´t let go of it.

I love Emma and Benedict the gardener, and every other character. They are decribed really good and how they react to different things is just funny. I have read the german version and I loved it, probably would never be able to get a english version of this book here, but I have both versions. The original from 2017 and a new one with a new cover which came out between 2020 and 2021.

I would totally recommend this book to any reader, and you should give it a go, because maybe this book is something for you. I was done with thia book within a few days, because I couldn´t stop reading it and I will read it again if I have the time for it.

[2023] once again it was time to read this book because it’s a September read for me. I totally love this book and I manage it to read it at least once a year in September. Always recommend that book to anyone