A review by stanfieldwrites
Faye and the Ether by Nicole Bailey


It has been a long while since the last time I dove into a fantasy story, and I was thoroughly impressed by the tale spun in Nicole Bailey's creation. There's quite an impressive amount of world building here, especially in the way that it re-imagines some of the more familiar characters from mythology. (sirens, selkies, Gods and Goddesses alike) I won't give away any of the plot in this review, you'll simply have to experience that ride for yourself. But I am a fan of any story that takes a seemingly ordinary character and throws them into a world beyond their understanding. This tale certainly does that and the results are exciting and harrowing.

The story of Faye is one of heart and no small amount of danger either, with a love story that honestly took me by surprise. (and I do love a story that has the power to surprise me) I came away from the experience excited to see where this tale might lead, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has a love for mythological fantasy. If you're a fan of the genre and eager to find a story that's unique, fun and full of adventure, then this is definitely the book for you.