A review by alyxandriaang
Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins


Please check out my blog to see the full review + a detailed character analysis: http://thebooksbuzz.blogspot.com/

The perfect dress. The perfect boyfriend. The perfect lip gloss. What could be more perfect than the night of Harper Price's homecoming? Nothing. Being kissed by a janitor and attacked by a sword wielding history teacher? What could be worse than that? Yes, indeed. Harper's perfect night turns into a disaster of epic proportions. Is Harper Price ready to face her real destiny? Her fate has been sealed, but Harper Price is just not that ready to accept it!
The beginning sealed the deal for me. THAT'S ALL I'VE EVER ASKED FOR- A book that starts off with a lot of action and that doesn't drag along the plot! On the night of Harper's homecoming, she is kissed by her school janitor (well not technically kissed) and attacked by her history teacher, Mr. DuPont. All throughout the beginning and the end, this book never ceased to amaze me! I mean, a little bit of action here and a little bit of action there... Action everywhere! I couldn't put the book down.
Although the beginning and middle caught my eye, I obviously couldn't stand the ending. Of course, this book just had to have a love triangle in it! Really? A love triangle! So in the end, she ended up with the wrong guy. Don't you hate that feeling?- when there are two suitors and the one you despise is chosen. Don't worry, I won't spoil anything.
The fighting and action scenes in this book were simply bad ass. Bad ass! They were exhilarating and kept me on the edge of my seat. Rachel Hawkins has found a new spot on the top of my 'Best Books of 2014' list. There better be a second book because now, I'm like super ecstatic to read it. Highly highly recommend this book if you're into a chick lit, action-packed thriller!