A review by brendymegs
Teaching Roman by Geneva Lee


Teaching Roman is the third in the Good Girls Don't series. The first, Catching Liam and the follow up novella Unwrapping Liam, are two of my favourite Geneva books, so I had high hopes for this book, and I wasn't disappointed. I loved it.

Jessica Stone is a pre-med student, reliable, focused, had her five year plan and it doesn't include boys.

Roman Markson is a sexy Phd student, and also a communications teacher.  

This is a beautiful story of two people who think they shouldn't be together because Roman is a teacher, and Jessica is a student at the same university.  When they meet up by chance in Mexico they think they can have one week together and then go back to their lives. But can they?

"How was I suppose to stick to my guns with him walking around like a sun-bronzed god?"

It's hard to tell you why I loved this book without giving spoilers. Geneva takes these characters through some turmoil but she takes the readers with them. I had my heart in my mouth for some of this book. At times I wanted to shake Jessica and tell her to wake up to  herself, yet I cant tell you why. 

"His chocolate brown eyes smoldered into mine, and I forgot to breathe."

I laughed and I cried, and I really loved the ending,  but it left me wanting more.

My favourite line is

“It wasn’t my first kiss. It wasn’t our first kiss. But it was the first kiss that ever mattered.”

I highly recommend this book. Grab your copy now.