A review by kell_x
Fated by Sarah Ready


Omg.. there were tears, real tears as I was reading their story. I got so caught up in it that it was as if I was living their story in their place!
I could feel their angst, their enourmous love and the impossibility of being together. That despair and at the same time acceptance to love and let go!

Fiona is a successfull woman, CEO of her and her brother's company, and a workaholic. She is emotionally closed since a bad previous relationship. After living a near death experience, she is handed a watch that can make her live her dreams. And that's how she meets Aaron. She lives in Geneva, but in her dreams she is another woman, and she meets him in a tropical and remote island! Fiona starts to enjoy her dreams, and begins being eager to sleep and return to that little paradise and to Aaron. She falls for him and learns to love once again. 
The only problem? He lives in her dreams. At first she tries to separate the two worlds and even tries to give Max a chace, but her heart isn't there.

" 'If you ever need me, if you ever find yourself awake at night wanting me, I'll be here. I'll be here loving you.'
  'You said you'd let me go'
  'I lied. I'll be here, my hand held out to you. All you have to do is take it.' "

 So when she realises she can make that life, her dream, into a reallity she runs and hold and fights with all she has. After all, if she doesn't she loses a bit of herself also (her heart). 
There's a passage in the book, where she realises she took her 'Dream life' for granted, and realises that she should have valued it then, when she could. Well, even by an impossible circunstance this book gives us that lesson. Don't take what's good for granted. Value it, cherish it and above all fight like hell to keep it!

"For years I believed I didn't want my dreams to come true. But that was before I had dreams that were worth fighting for."

The side characters were really likable too. Daniel is the perfect brother! So supportive! Ohhh, and Max.. my heart broke for him. He loved so much, but not the right time/place/person. I want to see him have a HEA like he deserves too!

I would give this book a thousand stars if I could. It was an emotional roller coster ride, and I would do it all over again!! 
I can't wait for 'Wished' to come out!