A review by bookishblondegirl
Castles in their Bones by Laura Sebastian


Three princesses are sent to three foreign kingdoms to be married and, unbeknownst to their new spouses, to take down the kingdoms from the inside. The princesses, Sophronia, Daphne, and Beatriz, have been training since birth for this; they know how to break codes, use poisons, seduce men, and kick ass. Once they destroy each kingdom from the inside, their mother, the Empress, will be able to take total control of the land. 

I adore fantasy books where there is political maneuvering and espionage, so I was SO ready for the girls to carry out their missions. Here's the thing, though: the princesses, in all honesty, initially came off as somewhat inept. Don't get me wrong, I liked all three of them, and enjoyed how they were each masters of their own thing (Sophie, the brainy one; Daphne, the cunning one; and Beatriz, the seductive one), but once they arrived in their respective kingdoms, they started making some not-so-smart choices.

 Obviously, these characters are teenagers trying to navigate an adult world, but they have also been training for this their whole lives. However, this issue was, mostly, remedied in the second half of the book, when the story picked up and some plot twists propelled the princesses into action. We then got to see them utilize their skills and individual strengths, as well as engage in some self-reflection and discovery. 

Overall, this was a really good YA fantasy with an interesting plot and likable protagonists. The magic system was unique and well-explained, and I am very much invested in the princesses' story and plan to continue on with this series. I would recommend this if you enjoyed The Bridge Kingdom or the His Fair Assassins trilogy! Thanks to Random House and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this! Get your hands on Castles in Their Bones on 02/01/22.