A review by thebrillianceofbookshelves
Sunny Song Will Never Be Famous by Suzanne Park


a teenage girl with a social media addiction, a digital detox camp, and a very cute farm boy...what could happen?

rep: korean-american mc

the good:

this was a very enjoyable book! it was a very quick read, despite being about 300 pages, and i had fun the entire time! i was a bit skeptical during the first 1/2 of the book, but by the end i found i enjoyed it quite a lot. the storyline was entertaining and it was overall just a really cute summer-y read. the romance was also adorable, it was probably my favorite part of this book! sunny and theo are so perfect and i really loved all their interactions.

the bad:

okay....so you know when authors try to "relate" to gen z by making trendy references but it ends up just being incredibly cringy? yeah. this book had a bad case of that. it wasn't unbearable, and definitely no where near the worst i've seen, but i did get some second hand embarrassment from it. i mean, the whole point of the book is how sunny, the main character, has a social media addiction so i guess i should've known to expect it, but still.

for example, this quote from sunny's inner dialogue: "Insert double-praise-hands emoji. Nah. Scratch that. Double-X-eyes emoji all the way." i don't know what it is with adults thinking that teenagers think in emojis and hashtags but it needs to stop because i can't take it anymore. WE DON'T ADD HASHTAGS IN FRONT OF EVERY WORD THAT POPS INTO OUR HEAD. PLEASE. luckily, while tiktok was mentioned, it was only in passing. AND THANK GOD FOR THAT. there was a whole chapter about the kids having to make memes to represent their true selves, which was definitely interesting, but kinda creative too so i'm not complaining much. sunny did keep referring to toilet paper as "TP"...which i've never heard anyone do besides when talking about "TP-ing a house" but maybe its an LA thing. anyway, that was my main complaint. i did also find sunny unbearable at times and quite confusing in her motives. she definitely needs a bit of a reality check, but i guess that's the point of the book, and i think she improves a lot by the end. in conclusion, i didn't love this book but i didn't hate it either. it was pretty alright!