A review by and_it_spoke
The Devil's Evidence by Simon Kurt Unsworth


An even better follow up to an already fantastic opener (The Devil's Detective)! This time, Thomas Fool, Information Man of Hell, deals with the repurcussions of the events of the previous novel. Both an new status quo and new view of his existance keep him off balance. But when he is instructed to investigate a murder in Heaven, is when everything really takes off. Dark and bleakly humourous at times, there is a lot to like here. Great characters, well done action scenes, horrific and hevenly imagery. The only flaw was the mystery itelf. Like with the previous novel, I had the 'killer' pegged very early on. It was still facinating to see the 'how' of the 'who'.

If Simon Kurt Unsworth decides to keep on with this series, I'm more than willing to follow him back into Hell.