A review by sofsofbinks
The Faster I Walk, the Smaller I Am by Kjersti A. Skomsvold


I absolutely loved this book. It's a slow paced one about aging and nearing death, about love and loneliness. It sounds depressing but what I loved about it is that in the end it wasn't at all what you'd expect of such a book. I found myself both nearing tears and laughing out loud, the main character was whimsical and fun and excentric at times, and sad, insightful and lovely at others. The small and normal things of life took such a grand meaning when described throughout the character's point of view, which made the book a real page turner even though there's nearly no action to it. It is grand and ridiculous at the same time, and tells us so much about the small things in life. A definite 5 stars for me, for a perfectly balanced and interesting book !!!!!