A review by eesh25
The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout


3.25 Stars

This was a good book. But... I'm still kinda disappointed.

The book was about Mallory, a teenage girl who had a very abusive childhood. Now, after four years after getting away from the household, much needed therapy, and living with her supportive adoptive parents, she's finally ready to face highschool.

In school, she meets Rider, the one person who was there for her during her childhood and who saved her multiple times. They realize that despite four years apart, they still have a connection.

The book has a very interesting premise in my opinion. It's well written and has a protagonist that you root for.

The romantic aspect of the book is good and I also really liked Rider. The book addresses a very important issue. It also shows us that change and improvement doesn't happen in a day. It takes time and it's takes effort. It gives a great message.

The characters development seen with Mallory was very impressive. But... it wasn't enough.

In the synopsis, it was said that Mallory would grow from the scared, quite person she is and finally speak up to help Rider. She does grow. But she doesn't help Rider much at all. In fact, when it came to that point she basically told him to talk to her when he was all better. It took her four years of living with a great, wealthy family and three years of therapy to be able to say three works to a girl in her class. And she just expects him to get over it in a day?!

Rider was always nothing but supportive and she doesn't do jackshit to help him. And I;m sitting there thinking Dude, what the fuck?!

Which, funnily enough, brings me to my favourite character. Paige. Yeah, she was a major bitch half the time and for the other half, she was... still pretty much a bitch. But she was the only one who wasn't constantly worried about Mallory's pretty little feelings. She was strong and the only one to call Mallory up on her bullshit. I liked that.

Finally, my other few problems with the book:

1. Rider's overdramatic introduction.

2. Mallory's monologues, which got a bit boring.

3. There was this one plot point that was so aggravating and yet made me roll my eyes because I wasn't even surprised. I can't tell you what it was but it was at the end of chapter 31. Misunderstanding crap.

Overall, the book had an interesting plot and if the execution had been a little better (and faster) it would have been a lot better. I do recommend checking it out if emtional stuff is your think and if you don't mind a slow pace.