A review by kate_reads_literature
Instead of Three Wishes: Magical Short Stories by Megan Whalen Turner


4.5 Stars

This was cute, whimsical, and a lot of fun! I'm tempted to give it 5 stars just because it's Megan Whalen Turner, but I didn't love all of these so 4.5 it is! I'm going to list the short stories below in order from my favorite to least favorite

Instead of 3 Wishes - I loved the modern take on an elf giving wishes to a no-nonsense modern girl
The Baker King - This one reminded me the most of The Queen's Thief series and as I figured out the twist I felt very clever lol
Factory - Admittedly a little morbid in the end, this one was still rather sweet and charming
Aunt Charlotte and the NGA Portraits - I love stories about selkies and although this one could have used some more depth, it was fun nonetheless
Leroy Roachbane - I liked the magical realism of this one
A Plague of Leprechaun - This one was fine, but had a rather unsatisfying ending imo
The Nightmare - This was the only story I didn't care for. There seemed to be no real point to it and that was mildly disappointing. I'm glad the collection didn't end with this one