A review by slc333
Into the Fire by Elizabeth Moon


While I love the Vatta’s War series and was happy to read yet more about some of my favourite characters I was a little disappointed in this one because:

- There was a looong wait to get to the action with Ky confined to the house. I get that it was meant to convey how frustrated Ky was that she couldn’t act but guess what – it was also frustrating (& boring) for us as readers to sit around like Ky waiting for things to happen so we could get to the action.
- There was no Toby.
- There was very little Rafe. He was basically a walk on part. I missed Rafe engaging in his undercover theatrics. Plus I would have liked some more Rafe & Ky having fun together with their missions.
- I am so over whiny poor me Stella. I thought she had dealt with her issues with Ky but apparently not. It is still all about her hurt feelings and ego and how she is so important as CEO blah blah blah but silly impulsive Ky never respects that. She has no respect for Ky and what she has a achieved or what she went thru.