A review by illstoptheworldandreadwithyou
Hot Dutch Daydream by Kristy Boyce


Sage Cunningham is driven. So. So. Driven. When an opportunity to assist with her mentor’s cancer research in Amsterdam and to attend a related conference in Berlin over the summer arises, Sage jumps at it. The catch? She’ll be the live-in nanny for Dr. Reese’s 3-year-old by day and working with data by night. This is a huge opportunity for a recently graduated high school senior, so she doesn’t need to think twice.

Dr. Reese doesn’t expect her teenage son, Ryland, to be home over the summer, but when his plans change and her outgoing and popular son becomes a fixture in the apartment again, she forbids dating between the two teenagers in residence.

Opposites attract in this YA rom-com from Kristy Boyce. Sage is the scientist with goals, plans, and a monochromatic wardrobe. Ryland is the artist filled with color, life, and a bit of a laissez-faire attitude. She’s carefully organized. His belongings are spread somewhat haphazardly across the attic. When forced proximity in an Amsterdam apartment pushes them to spend time together, they end up finding balance in each other.

From Ryland’s plan to incorporate Sage more into his life to the interactions with and antics of 3-year-old Diederik to the supportive friendships in the novel and the off-the-beaten-path tour of Amsterdam, I thoroughly enjoyed this coming-of-age romance.

I received an advance copy from HarperTeen and NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.