A review by smuds2
Literary Theory: An Introduction by Terry Eagleton

Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
It just wasn't what I thought it was going in to it. I think if I approach it like the textbook it is/can be used as, I would finish it. I'll probably pick it up in such a manner eventually - but not now.

It gave good historical context, and some examples, for different theoretical approaches to lit like Husserl vs Heidigger, Formalists, structuralists, post structuralists, etc - but what i think I really wanted was "here is a well known book, here is an example of a structuralist approach wrt this book - here's why it's structuralist - here are some tell tale signs."

kind of like "a users guide to lit theory" or something.

Overall not bad in any way, and for the subject matter, was pretty engaging, just not what i thought I was getting in to at this time.