A review by jonetta
Death is Not Enough by Karen Rose


We’re back in Baltimore and this time the focus is on Thomas Thorne and Gwyn Weaver. You may recall that they are both Lucy Fitzpatrick’s partners in Sheidalin, the nightclub they jointly own. He’s a defense attorney and she’s the club manager. It’s been four years since the attacks on Lucy and Gwyn and Thorne is finally gathering up the courage to express his true feelings to Gwyn. Before that happens, she discovers him unconscious in his bed with another woman. The problem is the woman is dead and her blood is all over him. His last memory doesn’t include her at all.

As with most of the stories in this series, the answers aren’t made clear initially but this one is a bit different in that we get the villain’s point of view early on though not the identity. I love this approach as it keeps the mystery going but we don’t quite have all the information. Just about every earlier character from the previous books set in Baltimore have active roles here, which I really like as we get updates on what’s going on in their lives.

The person behind Thorne’s problems is beyond diabolical and the attacks are brutal. I just wanted the team to solve this thing but it wasn’t easy. Entanglements from Thorne’s childhood are a major factor so it got gnarly. The focus wasn’t entirely on Thorne as the prickly Gwyn got equal page time. I really liked getting to know her and her backstory. The romance didn’t take a backseat but the mystery certainly was what captivated me. Be prepared for the usual high body count as this wasn’t pretty. It’s a huge cast of characters with intriguing secondary storylines. Marguerite Gavin narrated this one and she delivered a fine performance, especially with so many to give distinctive voices. I continue to love listening to this series and being back here, no matter what city!

While this book can stand alone pretty well, the better experience is to read it in order. Also, there are spoilers from the earlier Baltimore book so if you plan to go back and start from the beginning, which I highly recommend, don’t begin here. Quite frankly, there are connections throughout the entire 21 books.