A review by bookphile
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I was honestly impressed with this novel. Leigh Bardugo has grown a lot as an author from The Grisha trilogy and she has stepped up her game. Six of Crows is fantastically written, has a diverse cast of characters, and an intricately woven plot full of suspense, plot twists, betrayal, forgiveness, and a little bit of romance.

I think what I liked most about this book is the characters. Every single one of them was well defined and believable enough to seem real. The diversity of the cast was also pleasing. We have characters who suffer from mental disorders, physical imperfections, PTSD, then there's girl characters who stick up for each other and have each other's back, characters of different races and cultures. And all of this without feeling like it's too much. They're all in it together for the money, but they also go on a sort of journey where they discover who they are because the difficulty of this mission will force some of them to confront their deepest fears.

The writing is fantastic, the plot moved along at nice pace, there's enough twists to keep things interesting and suspenseful. My one gripe was that sometimes we'd be thrown back into a character's backstory and while I enjoyed the backstory, it sort of threw me a bit from main plot. Maybe that was me being impatient, but I think some of the transitions could have been better.

Overall, I think that if you enjoyed The Grisha trilogy, you will love this. Although, you should also be aware that you will not see any of the major characters from it - some of them are mentioned in the passing, but none make an appearance. Nor should you go into the story expecting it to be like The Grisha because it's not, this is a whole different adventure within the same world.

I can't believe that cliffhanger though, Bardugo how could you? Yes, it's a fantastic set-up for the next book, but now I have to wait a year!