A review by emilyg
Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie


I was really interested in this book as I really enjoyed Mckenzie’s more action based teenage and I felt the premise of this book may be similar to that. She did achieve a similar idea with this one although I did feel a little less of the energy she builds in her books for younger readers. I’m only really beginning to really explore more adult fiction so I’m not sure if this was done purposely however I did feel it was about the right level to go alone with the rest of the story. The book as a whole for me was OK but that’s really all. I don’t read a lot of adult fiction because I find it too everyday and although this wasn’t an normal life situation it was still approached with characters leading a life I’ve not got experience of yet. For that reason relating to the characters is more difficult and that effects my a level of enjoyment. The characters in the book were interesting though and there is a lot of suspision built up about them all throughout the story. This was what really made the book as it was really who was involved that you were reading till the end to find out about rather than what was going to happen. Throughout the book we are also given snippets of story from a child’s point of view and as the book progresses your opinion of who that child is changes. When I first read them related to the first character you initially believe them to be they seemed to build to what was going to be the action at the end of the story. The reveal however was a surprise for me at the end and although I was pleased to read the action I’d pick the book up for however the very last two pages really let the story down for me as I felt it added something unnecessary. Overall the book for me was fine, I didn’t particularly feel driven by the story but I am still glad I read it.