A review by sasaboba
Marvel Voices: Identity by Christina Strain, Gene Luen Yang


Huge step up from their lackluster "Pride" issue! The stories were fleshed out and varied in tone (sadness, goofiness, etc) and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them. There was so much heart to this issue and I couldn't put it down. Food is one of our, for lack of better phrasing, love languages. In my cultures, instead of "I love you," we would ask, "Did you eat yet? Are you hungry?" It was great seeing how big a role food played in some of the stories. Plus, I was super happy that I was able to snag the Rian Gonzales variant cover that I wanted!

So why 4 stars? I had an issue with everything else. There were only 8 stories and more than half of them were by East Asian people about East Asian characters