A review by salgalruns
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


Lately, the YA genre has exploded with some fantastic reads, even for those of us who aren't typically drawn to it. This book, however, reminded me of why the genre exists. It's clearly sent as a message to pre-teen folks about the benefit of being who you are, and not bowing to society's expectations. There's even a glimmer of a "don't become anorexic" message scattered in the story.

Once I actually started it, it was easy to finish in a few hours. Very, very, light, but not much meat to it for someone who is already pretty accepting of her life. I was completely and totally underwhelmed.

The premise of the book is creative, I suppose. Once you turn 16, you are transformed by society into being "pretty," in a surgically altered way. There are several who are trying to escape the conforming nature of the society and thus, they run away. Tally, our main character, is torn in what is the "right" thing to do.

Have the other books in the series on my iPad, but they are getting pushed to the way, way back of my TBR shelf for when I have a few hours with nothing else to do...