A review by musicianjulz
Creole Princess by Beth White


The Creole Princess, a riveting tale of intrigue and romance, takes place in Mobile/New Orleans during the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. Do not be deceived by the soft ethereal beauty of the book cover. This revolutionary saga will blow you away with its attention to rich historical detail, captivating characters, and vibrant faith. As an avid reader of historical fiction. I have found some historical periods to be overused to the point that I tire of reading any more on the subject. However, that is certainly not the case here. The author chose a well-known and pivotal point in American history, yet managed to give us a entirely different vantage point on the time period. Perhaps what makes it diverse is that it explores moments of the Revolutionary War that are not often mentioned in History class. This is my first book by the author and I would definitely recommend it to anyone, especially those who enjoy reading historical fiction.

**I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**