A review by amyjoy
All-New X-Men, Vol. 1: Yesterday's X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis


As much as I usually identify as a DC girl, I have a very special place in my heart for the X-Men, and I thought this was an interesting and cool storyline. I wish I knew more of the recent history of the X-Men, but it wasn't necessary for my understanding of the story being told here. The art is pretty and inoffensive (very typical superhero stuff), and I'm interested in seeing where the young X-Men go from here.

ETA: Also, this book has a lot of panels that go across both pages, and I am always always always confused when books do this. It's one thing if it's a single big panel that stretches all the way from the left to the right, but this has several smaller panels that read across both pages before going down to the next row. I initially read nearly all of these wrong. And then, by the end of the book, when I started reading all the way across both pages, they stopped doing it and resumed regular panel placements. I can understand the motivations for doing this, but I wish they would stop it.