A review by evethingiread
Ex Meridian by A.E. Via


I'm not done yet, but I don't want to forget this and I know I will.

The first few chapters, I just could not differentiate between Ex and Meridian. Their descriptions went above my head and so for the first half of the book, I really didn't care about them. I was confused we kept going back to God and Day. And I know this is fiction, but Ex and Meridian as characters was SO far fetched. I think this is my least favorite in the series. You tease me with Fox and Bull and then you give me these mediocre spies.

Ok, back to the 2nd half of the book. Which btw, The characters haven't intersected yet! it's frustrating. Most boring spies I've ever read about!

Okay, so the only thing that saves this book is God and Day and their team! There’s nothing about Ex and Meridian that I like. ZERO! This story is so sloppy.