A review by stucknbooks14
Heartless by Willow Winters, W. Winters


Please make yourself aware of the reasons this author is problematic. I will no longer be reading, sharing, or promoting any of their books.

I was recommended All He'll Ever Be, and I started reading it before realizing it was actually 4 separate books of the Merciless series. And so I want to review it as four separate pieces.

Heartless was an even better cliffhanger than Merciless! This one picks up right where the first one ended. And you really see just how badly Aria needs to be helped, and how badly Carter needs to be the one to do it. How desperately he needs her to need him. Crave him. There was a little bit more of a comparison to Beauty and the Beast with this one. (And I laughed when it was mentioned in the book itself.) Heartless is not only spicier, but the spice was wonderful treats. They sweetened the roughness. We get more of Aria with Jase, Declan, and Daniel like I had hoped! Plus, we finally get properly introduced to Addison. You get to see walls crumble. Emotions explode. It almost feels like a slow burn. We're just waiting for Aria and Carter to get their crap together. And waiting. And waiting. But I'm rooting for them!

My Favorite Quotes:
•"He’ll never have power over you again. The only thing you have to fear, is me."
•"Kneel and then ask me if things have changed."
•"The very idea that you’re mine makes me feel as if there isn’t a thing I can’t conquer. But actually having you is… everything."
•"You're not lost. You belong here, with me."
•"I need you to want me still when this is over."
•'I turn my back on her, feeling lonelier than I've felt since she came into this house.'
•"Tell me you don't want me, that you're really done with me and I'll stop."
•"In the bedroom, I want you to obey. Anywhere else, I want you as mine."
•"If I gave you that, what would I have left?" "You'd have me."

9/10 Dirty Birdy
9/10 Mafia Romance
8/10 Series