A review by lilyn_g
Mr Sucky by Duncan P. Bradshaw


One of my reading goals going into 2019 was to read more bizarro fiction. Mr Sucky was my first book for this. There were several contenders but – really – how do you not pick up a book named Mr Sucky?

This book was ridiculous, and I mean that in the best possible way. Pretty much right from the get-go I was either snorting, snickering, or thinking that if this was a movie I might be gagging. (Gagging or just incredibly weirded out a la Rubber.) It’s filled with graphic descriptions of death via vacuum, peppered with puns, and will teach you several new insults to add to your repertoire.

The pacing was great. The dialogue was just as bad as one would expect it to be. The point of view it was written in made it a little weird to read sometimes but overall just added to the bizarre feeling of the whole thing. The kill scenes were fantastic. I giggled so much during them I came away with the sure knowledge that I was definitely not right in the head.

Favorite quote to give you a feel for the book:

“We’re a fucking novelty vacuum cleaner with an inclination for mayhem and murder.”

The only problems I had with it were sometimes the jokes included were a bit tasteless, and it went on a tad bit too long. (Yes, I just complained about jokes in a vacuum serial-killer novel being tasteless. I still have standards even while reading something named Mr Sucky. ) By the end of it I felt like the author was trying to squeeze every last drop of ridiculousness out of it and that took some of the fun out of it.

Overall, though, I have to say I hope that the rest of the bizarro I read this year is as entertaining as this was. Even though I had issues with it, it was still the funniest thing I’ve read in some time.