A review by thegrimhobbyist
One Day at Horrorland by R.L. Stine


What more can I say beyond this being exactly what I expect in a Goosebumps story. Wacky, spooky, a twisty ending. I quite enjoyed this one and would recommend it for those wanting to read what I would consider a standard Goosebumps story - what I would expect from one that is.

Was it predictable? Yes. But that's part of the fun, predicting how the story will go. I also found the one page chapters in between all the three to five page chapters odd. It felt like those one page chapters could have easily been included in one of the other chapters. It broke up each scene. Each chapter was the beginning of a scene, the middle of a scene, and then the ending of a scene. I know its intended purpose was to stretch out the scene and given tension as you're forced to turn the page to find out what happens, but it's a little silly.

But beyond that, this was a fun one! Among my favorites.