A review by talya_
Thief by C.L. Stone, C.L. Stone


*This review makes no sense. Just thought I'd warn you.*

I had so many issues with this book. The first part of it was good. Kayli didn't seem like a COMPLETE imbecile, she wanted to take care of her brother, and she had to deal with an abusive, alcoholic father. And since he was such a lazy pig, her and her brother, Wil, had to fend for themselves and get their own money to pay rent for the hotel they were staying in. And Kayli got money by pickpocketing. Okay. Seemed simple.

That was the part of the book I enjoyed. About the only part. See, there's about six guys in some super secret Academy of some sort and they're trying to take down a drug dealer, and even though they're friends with cops, the only way for them to take down this drug dealer is to get help from a pickpocket. Okay. Because that makes perfect sense.

And these six guys (Axel, Marc, Corey, Brandon, Kevin, Raven) are allll super duper hot, and they're allllll super duper attracted to her except for Kevin because he has a girlfriend and serves no purpose in the book because he's barely in it. But anyway.

My biggest issue with the book was Kayli. Kayli who I previously thought was smart and had sense. Nope, she turned out to be the typical stubborn as hell main character you read about in almost any book. Not only that, but she can't seem to keep her tongue in her mouth.
First she makes out with Marc. Then, the next day he's not even present at all and she ends up flirting and acting all lovey dovey with Corey. But wait, his twin Brandon tells her that Corey is gay. Le gasp. So what happens? She makes out with Brandon all night despite the fact that she made out with his friend a day earlier and was flirting with/attracted to Corey. And it gets worse. See, the next day Kayli has a very civil conversation with Marc. No, I'm kidding, they start talking and she shoots him in the leg with a nail gun for no reason. Yes, that really happened. Then like the idiot she is, tries to follow that drug dealer, Blake, and gets kidnapped. Except she's highly attracted to him (yes, him too) and is convinced that he's good. Because he's dealing with legal weed and he's going to dump it in the ocean? What? So Kayli decides there's nothing shady about that and they make out. A few times. After she already had tongue all up in two other guys. Then once she finds out he's actually bad (no way!) she goes back to Marc....and makes out with him. Then she cuddles with Raven, yet another sexy guy and he starts kissing her neck. And she feels wiggly sparks that lets her know she's attracted to not only him, but the other five guys too. Because she saw Axel naked, and they talked about three times and as it turns out, she's attracted to him too. She has those wiggly sparks that Marc was so fond of.

OH wait. I almost forgot. Kayli leaves her brother Wil alone with her super abusive dad and goes off to live with these random hot strangers. And the author gives some half-baked excuse as to why it's oh so necessary for her to stay with them. Bish, please. Why the hell would you leave your brother alone with your abusive father as you lay in the lap of luxury-- excuse me....as you lay in the lap of AxelCoreyBrandonMarcRavenandBlake. And it turns out that since she'd left her brother alone, like the caring person she was, he was actually kidnapped. So her brother was who knows where as she stuck her tongue down different throats. And then the book ends. Omg, cliffy!!!! Will I be reading the next book?????
Absolutely not.