A review by misspalah
Pearls on a Branch: Arab Stories Told by Women by Najla Jraissaty Khoury


This is a collection of folklores compiled by Najla Khoury. There are 30 stories handpicked from 100 stories by the author and the translator for this book. In order to maintain originality and authenticity, the author did many interviews and listen and then record these stories. She even attend the private party/gathering/ceremony specifically for women just to listen to these stories. The author did her best to preserve her own childhood stories narrated by her grandmother (which she herself also heard from her grandmother) is just admirable. I can vouch 80 percents of these stories are indeed original. There are few stories that has a bit resemblance from Snow white, Rapunzel and Jack the giant beanstalk. Again, the plot is somewhat familiar but the culture and customs of the Arabic land is tied to the story. It is interesting how in Arabic, "There was or There was not" was used to describe "Once upon a time". It indicates the possibility of such events/incidents occurred is indeed 50%, we never know, Only God knows kind of a way. Another phrase that was used many times in the beginning of these tales are there once was a king though God alone is sovereign. That phrase hinted that you can be powerful and mighty all you want, but you will never be above God. Since these stories were told and retold by women, from generation to the generation, Majority of these stories did possess similar themes which is a story of womanhood and how women can be strong, resilient and courageous in the face of adversity. There are few stories using animals as a main character like fox, frog, mouse and cow. Overall, i really enjoyed this book. It was short and concise. It remains unapologetically Arab (if that makes sense) . The reason i said this because if you don't get the nuances and did not understand the culture, you will not enjoy this book. Translator did her best to translate but this surely a masterpiece in the original language. I wish i did not sleep during Arabic class or disappeared somewhere else back then in school.