A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Outcasts by Claire McFall


Objectively I should give this book a four star rating. But since my eyes are wet from ugly crying and since the emotions I felt while reading this story and having to say goodbye to these characters (and watching them saying goodbye to each other) were incredibly strong, this book has totally and absolutely deserved that fifth star too.

The plot isn’t that different from the previous two books. It’s actually more of a combination of the two of them. There are also no new exciting characters we get to know and grow close to. But maybe that’s exactly why the emotional part of this story is so strong and works so well.

The world building has been done in the previous two books. The mythology has been explained and made clear in the previous two books. We’ve gotten to know the characters and the characters have gotten to know each other. A lot has been happening and brewing and changing and growing and this book is the emotional pay off of all that.

I cried because I’ve grown close to these characters while reading these books. I cried because I didn’t want to let go. I cried because I connected with these characters, felt for these characters and really really didn’t want them to be and get hurt. The previous two books were, in the end, nothing but build up to make this one work and I loved every second, page and word of it.