A review by limeykiss
Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid


Having not read the original (I know, I know, I'm a bad Austen fan), I can't comment on the adaptation of Austen's original plot vs this one. I can, however, say that while the writing was in general good, and the plot mostly interesting, at about the middle of the book, the author stopped writing in modern lexicon and seemed to try to switch into Austen's style of verse, which made no sense and ruined the book. This is also the point when she seemed to stop caring about adapting some of the elements for the modern day. For example: two characters would probably not get married after only knowing each other a few months, and DEFINITELY not after only a few weeks. A man (General Tilney) would not constantly be asking his guest about the financial status of her neighbours (the Allens). Tilney's questions about the Allens financial and social status also made little sense because Cat didn't live with them, and, prior to her trip with them, didn't even seem to socialise with them very much. The characters in the Thorpe family, however, were written brilliantly, and McDermid did an excellent job of painting the scenery for both Edinburgh and the Tilney's houses.