A review by ruppaid22
Daughter of Light by Garrett Curbow


(4.5/5 but i’m rounding up) and i’ll be mentioning things that are potential spoilers.

i really liked this book! like many, i’m here from tiktok. i have also been having a hard time finding a good book that i really get into, so i was kind of desperate for a good book. and i was not disappointed.

i also should say that i barely read fantasy-related books. but this was a really entertaining book that definitely broke my prejudice for fantasy books.

the imagery was one of my favorite parts of the book. i think i’m often not a fan of fantasy because i have trouble visualizing things and then i’m just lost, but i had no problem with daughter of light.

though i absolutely love this book, i do have some grievances…
although i was excited when finn and eileen met up, i think it did a disservice to ciara. i felt like finn and eileen were on their own amazing adventure, and then ciara popped up here and there.
and i was expecting the three of them to meet up by the end so the three stories made sense and whole, but it didn’t do that. i know that parts of ciaras story have to do with finn/eileen (the mountain book and the contrast with terra/light and eileen/dark), though there wasn’t a good connection that made sense.

this made it a little unsatisfying to finish the book. BUT i have hope! because i know that there are going to be more books and i’m sure a lot of those things will get fleshed out. because of that, i give a 4.5, but i am following my fourth grade math curriculum and rounding my answer; 5 stars!

there are so many great things about this book and the story telling i could write another review if i had to. overall, i am very much looking forward to the future for this saga.