A review by judyward
Mausetot: Ein Fall für Mrs. Murphy by Rita Mae Brown


Dear Sneaky Pie Brown: I have always really liked the books that you allow Rita Mae Brown to co-author with you--and by the way, why does she always insist on having her name listed first?--but I have had a little problem with the last several books. I know that this is no way your fault, but would you please ask Rita Mae to tone down on the political opinions. While I may agree with some, or even most of these opinions, I find that they distract from the flow of the narrative and can even be off-putting. Other than Rita Mae's constant editorializing, I, for the most part, enjoyed the story. I think that your input into the writing process is clear. While Rita Mae is busy dealing with the human characters, you are free to write about the most important characters in the book--the animals. I love Tee Tucker, of course, but you do your best work bringing Mrs. Murphy and Pewter to life. Keep the series going, but please leave the editorials and political opinions for another format.