A review by crlyhairedbibliophile
Simone Breaks All the Rules by Debbie Rigaud


“A butterfly that never breaks from its chrysalis can’t survive.”

I knew I had to read this from the moment I saw the beautiful cover and it definitely delivered!

While I’m not Haitian, I definitely connected with Simone when it came to feeling sheltered and wanting to branch out to create a life of your own. I loved that she found a community with her HomeGirls and that they were able to share new experiences while also providing support.

Another aspect of this I loved was the inclusion of Haitian culture. There were so many details interwoven throughout, from the sprinkles of Creole to the music and food, that made everything come alive off of the page. I love when different cultures are included in the stories I read and this did that beautifully.

Overall, this was a really cute read and I’d love to keep follow Simone and her HomeGirls as they keep working at their bucket list.

Sidenote: I hope this finds its way to a screen some day because I NEED to see Simone’s dress live off the page - it sounds absolutely gorgeous!