A review by lizanneyoung
Ark by Veronica Roth



As I continue to go through the author’s backlist, this Amazon Original stood out to me in the best way. A sci-fi reimagining of the classic Noah’s Ark tale, but now set in a society that’s known for years an asteroid is coming? Sign me up.

I think what made this story so poignant was that it is a very possible scenario, should we ever discover an asteroid of this magnitude is heading our way. The idea that scientists would be holed up somewhere, saving as much genetic material from the flora and fauna of Earth, is something that would absolutely be floated around. And there are scientists willing to do it. 

Samantha’s final decision, especially in becoming a part of the team of scientists, is completely understandable. I can’t blame her for making that decision, because if I were in her shoes, I probably would too. I think her situation also forces the reader to think about the idea of bringing a child into a world you actively know is ending in the next few decades. It’s truly a difficult decision to make, no matter how you roll the dice.