A review by el_stevie
Surviving Death by Sarah Gribble


I read this very much as a librarian checking out the latest YA offerings.

Finding herself in the world of Between (the space between Heaven and Hell), Tilly finds herself drawn to her enigmatic mentor, Naveen, whilst slowly piecing together the circumstances of her own death. As she does so, a prophecy - of which she is a part - unfolds around her leading to conflict with Death, Lucifer and a variety of other known characters from world mythologies and religions.

Whilst being a great read, this story also introduces the ideas of what constitutes sin, what would a person once have been condemned for, pockets of information that subliminally educate the reader in areas they might not have considered before. I do like that in a book or a film, throwing in little snippets of information which add to a person's general knowledge in an enjoyable manner!

Surviving Death is a terrific romp through Heaven, Hell and in Between; a page-turner, capturing both attention and imagination. Highly recommended.