A review by labunnywtf
The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri


This is a very difficult read. Not because it's not enjoyable, I'm actually really loving it. But it's just a very intense read, and not one I can run through quickly, which is what I've gotten used to lately.

I've gotten through the Inferno, now in Purgatory. Still in the beginning, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm ever going to finish it. I feel like I'm going so slowly. And I've got a lot of books to read. I'm trying not to think that way, but it's difficult.

Really enjoying myself, though.

11/6 - Okay, I'm not going to lie and pretend I read the whole thing. I think it says a lot about me that heaven dragged on a little too long for me and I couldn't finish it.

It's a lot of pages, man! With quite a bit of artsy fartsy language that my poor 21st century brain can't deal with.

For the most part, I enjoyed this book a great deal. My eyes did some skimming, but not near as much as I thought they would when I first started reading.

I'd recommend this to someone who likes reading about religion. But it's a really hard read.