A review by tawnyad2004
The Dark Bite by Leia Stone


I don’t know why I’ve been so blasé about the books I’ve read lately but this is no different. It becomes obvious pretty early on that Aspen was a part of a cult. And honestly it was a little bit of overkill how much it was emphasized. And how God was directing them to kill the unnatural. Add to that the constant reminder that she’s a virgin (yes we get it. Your a virgin who is insanely attracted to a vampire) and it started to feel so damn preachy and rather irritating. Then there’s the fact that Aspen keeps jumping from wanting to kill Luca to wanting to kiss him. Whiplash over here from this girl. And yes she’s a girl at 19. It almost made me stop reading it. I just don’t get a kick out of teenagers falling for a vampire who’s so much older. Granted he’s only like 30 something years old (even in vampire years) which is hard to believe bc he’s strong enough to be fighting to become king even over century old vamps?
Then you throw in the curveball at the end that shatters her heart and I’m over it. It just felt too preachy, too ridiculous and too cliche.