A review by haletostilinski1
The Right Way by May Archer



I dunno if I love it as much or maybe even more than the first one...but damn I loved Cort and Cam's story too...but also Bas and Drew were so...*happy sigh*

They just...the chemistry between these two, for me, was off the charts. That first kiss...*fansself* woahhh

And their interactions whether they were laughing together or fighting, were so engaging and riveting and I just had to keep going with this story.

Also, we were getting an end to the overarching plot in this, and it was not quite predictable so it kept me on my toes - I was suspicious at times, and my suspicions ended up being basically right, but I was never sure they were going to happen, so that was exciting to read.

Bas...oh Bas, I loved him, even when he frustrated me, but Drew did the same as well, although not as much as Bas lol. But ultimately these were good men, who were crazy in love with each other, and could be a bit stupid sometimes when it came to each other, but of course they figure it out eventually and when they do it is wonderful. I loved it, and the sexy times *wink wink*

Maybe...although the sexy times were super hot, maybe they were a tad rushed in that Bas had never been with a man before - and he seemed to become comfortable with it fairly quickly, and ready for it all - but in the end I just didn't care, because in the end Bas was just...in love with Drew, and in a way...of course he would want it all with Drew, would be ready. It wasn't like he wasn't nervous, just...a tad too ready for it. But also...it was pretty freaking great, so I ultimately loved it.

I just love when the two MC's just have that connection, that something in the writing that makes me love them together, that makes their interactions the best thing about the book, that makes me smile like crazy when they do sweet things together.

I thought that overall the romance and the plot were handled really well, and it was never too much plot at once or all romance with no plot at once, it was all fairly balanced, giving the plot proper attention when it needed it but also not letting the romance fall by the wayside at any point. This was primarily about Bas and Drew's love story as much as it was about the plot, about them ending what has been going on once and for all.

Archer plays a dirty trick at the end for a few pages, and I was like "really???" even though I KNEW, I knew it wasn't real, so it was a little unnecessary, but thankfully we weren't held in suspense for more than a few pages.

The ending was so sweet and *happy sigh* and I just loved this. A perfect ending to a great series, and I officially love this new author, and I seriously cannot wait for more from her. I'm excited!