A review by beaktastic
Champion by Marie Lu


This is the thrilling final installment in the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu, and unlike some other young-adult trilogies that I have read the final books of this year, this one did not disappoint.

In Champion, months have passed since Day learned he had a brain tumour and broke up with June to spare her. Now, he's trying to prepare for surgery whilst looking after little brother Eden, and June is training as Princeps-Elect, living totally separate lives. But then they have to come together once again, as a new threat from the Colonies threatens everything, and a new plague has hit. The only lead the Republic has to try and cure this plague is Eden, but can June bring herself to ask Day for this? And will it be enough?

I really enjoyed Champion. I thought it was thrilling and exciting, full of twists and turns, and it stayed true to the other books in the trilogy too. I think sometimes it can be hard to tie up a trilogy, to tie up all those loose ends, while still making the book fun and enjoyable and stay true to the overall storyline and characters, as I think sometimes authors feel rushed. I know I've read final books in trilogies that have felt this way. But Champion did not feel that way. Lu knew what she wanted to do and she did it.

I felt like June and Day continued to grow and develop in this book, and their relationship continued to grow and develop too. They struggled in their relationship, but they both worked hard to make it work, and I liked that. It wasn't easy or love-at-first-sight. It was nice.

The overall storyline of the book was good too, and exciting, even if it did feel like a bit of a re-hash of the previous two books at times. It was still exciting though, and it kept surprising me.

I liked the ending as well. The epilogue was really nice and well-written, and I felt it was somewhat bittersweet at first yet it made it happy in a nice way without being too OTT in making it a happy ending, and I liked it. It was nice, and I felt like it meant that Day and June's story is nowhere near over yet, even if it won't continue in print.

Overall, a really good book and great ending to this trilogy.