A review by mrsbatts610
Storm by Nina Levine


I really couldn't get into this book. Couldn't connect with the characters at all. A big part of my problem, and this made me realize I have this issue with other books as well, is that the author seems to be confusing "argumentative" with "strong". Just because Madison yelled back at Jason, all the time, called him names, started fights, didn't mean she was strong. And the author TOLD us repeatedly in the book how strong she was supposed to be. In fact, all that yelling and fighting kind if proves how weak she really is. Instead of calming down, which takes strength, she got mad. She seemed like an immature little spoiled girl, not a 29 year old woman.

And the other thing that annoyed me were the gratuitous sex scenes. I loved hot, steamy sex scenes as much as the next smut lover, but there was no build up to any of the sex scenes. They didn't push the story along. It was as if the author said, "ok, they're going to bed, here's a scene." " ok, they're alone, here's a sex scene".

Oh well.