A review by pacey1927
Fatal Circle by Linda Robertson


Yeah, I had a hard time with this one. I hate to say it because I really enjoyed the first two books. The basic plot here is the Persephone has to save Menessos the vampire from the fairies who caused all the drama in the previous book. Seph must act like she has been cast off from her coven and disowned by her own family. She moves in temporarily with Menessos and joins him as his head witch. Johnny comes along but is also being forced to accept a bigger role in the werewolf pack.

I struggled with this book for a few reasons. I think it was overly complicated at the beginning and even though it hasn't been long since I read the first two, I was confused a time or two. I love Johnny and dislike Menessos. I understand that I am supposed to empathize with him but he just comes across as possessive and controlling. This book reminded me far too much of Anita Blake with Anita caught between Jean-Claude and Richard. Menessos even picks out Seph's outfits for particular events just like Jean-Claude did. True I enjoy Johnny much more than I ever did Richard, but the similarities are there. As the book progresses their three connect in ways even more similar to the connection shared by the trio in Anita Blake. I don't care for the love triangle between Seph, Johnny, and Menessos. It has been done too many times before and I just don't like it. I hope Seph stays true to herself as we have known her from the first book, if she does, the series will probably be fine. Another thing I don't care for is Seph's out of body meditations. They seem to go on far to long and they are an action killer.

The last 1/2 of this book saved it for me. The action was literally non stop and was written extremely well. I loved the scene with the werewolves in the church (sounds like the start of a joke). I also really liked some of the new characters; Mountain, Six, and Risque in particular. I want to know more about them so I really hope they pop up again in the future. While these are characters from the vampire side of things, I seemed to enjoy the werewolf parts of the book more then the vampire ones.

I think if Robertson stays away from an all out love triangle and tries to make her vampire world more unique it would really help this series. The oddest thing is that the first two books were completely unique and I loved the world she created. Maybe this book is just a fluke. Its important to the series so go ahead and read this one if you liked the others. I am going to read the next book and see where it goes and whether I will continue to be along for the ride.