A review by nimrodiel
A Night Without Armor by Jewel


There was a sadness to some of the poems in this collection. A few seemed rather flippant and whimsical, and a few grabbed me with their imagery.

These poems are the free form style that is not as hard to grasp as other types of poetry. This poem type worked well with some of the poems that Jewel has written, and made me want to skim over other poems in the book.

I've been a fan of Jewel as a songwriter for years. I very much enjoyed this look into her poetry. It is not as polished as her songs. Some of the poems seemed child-ish (and may have been written at a much younger time in her life). The book was a mixture of fantastic poems and eh poems.

I was very interested in the paintings included in the book. However, I think that they suffered fro being black and white reproductions. Even though they were all of falling water, it was hard to tell what they were in black and white.

With the recent release of Jewel's Lullaby album, I do hope she is able to share more of her poetry with the world. I would love to see how it has progressed over the years since this first volume was published.