A review by yodamom
The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh


Audiobook-First: (2.4 stars) The narrator was horrible. My dislike in this book may all steam from the narration. The big evil and the vampires she gave them this weird drunk teenageer woble slow drawl it was so offputting. The evils all had the same voice, male and female, and the bad guy never shuts up yes that drunken teenager with endless inner dialog so I got an earful.
Now let's talk about my pet peeve in books, inner dialog marathons. This big bad never shut up, it felt like it drawled on for days, he loved to dwell in his own drama. Pet Peeve #2 Drama Queens, I think you get who I'm talking about.
The story moves about in a pretty predictable way, you can see the "love" interests from the beginning. I liked the supporting characters much more than the main ones.Celine was too puffed up ready to prove what an independant badass she was too often, she made stupid choices. She makes deals that are stupid. I wanted to slap her more than once to use her head. I wouldn't read more in this series if I wasn't interested in the future of one character that had a bad ending and one love interest that just isn't right ! I've already got book 2 anyway so off I go.