A review by aliu6
Calendar Girl by Georgia Beers


3.75 stars

When her mother, head of Fairchild Enterprises, announces that she will choose a successor by the end of the year, Addison knows that the position has to be hers. After all, she's the oldest sibling, and the most dedicated and hardworking - to the point where she endangers her health. Following a hospital scare, Addison's mother hires Katie Cooper to make sure Addison is taking better care of herself. Despite getting off to a rough start, they end up liking each other - maybe a little too much. FE has a firm policy that prohibits relationships between employees. Is Addison willing to risk everything she's been working towards for a chance at love with Katie?

So I will start off by saying that I'm not a super big fan of the workaholic-realizes-what-really-matters-in-life trope, probably because I identify a bit with the workaholic. I really liked both Addison and Katie, and Georgia Beers does a great job of establishing the relationship between them. It was all very cute and believable.

The only thing is, one event in the book left me kind of (very, very) frustrated.
Spoiler Addison doesn't end up getting the position. It goes to her younger sister, who was always better at the work/life balance. The way that it was sprung on Addison seemed especially unfair. The mother says it was because of Addison's health, but she chooses to reveal her decision at a family/work dinner without giving Addison a heads up. I wish Georgia Beers had spent some more time walking through Addison's feelings about the end result, like maybe how Addison realized that she had never actually wanted the position, she just thought it was her duty, etc. Idk, it just annoyed me because Addison put so much effort in, to the point of endangering her life, but then again, this is probably just me projecting.
Other than that, this book was a totally enjoyable read.

Yes, get this book, I would definitely recommend it! Georgia Beers does not disappoint. Just be aware that she likes poking fun at workaholics.